We are grateful and fortunate to have among us so many critically acclaimed and award-winning contributors in our magazine’s first and second issues. Below you’ll find a list of their awards and honors. Click on their names to take you to their The Nasiona Magazine contributions. You won’t be disappointed.
- John Z. Guzlowski, winner of both the 2017 Benjamin Franklin Gold Award for Poetry and the 2017 Montaigne Medal for most thought-provoking books.
- Cal Freeman, recipient of The Devine Poetry Fellowship and winner of Passages North’s Neutrino Prize; nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes in both poetry and creative nonfiction.
- Judith Kalman, included among the ‘Notable Essays of 2017’ in The Best American Essays 2018.
- Brandon Marlon, awarded the Harry Hoyt Lacey Prize in Poetry (Fall 2015).
- Susanna Barlow, First Place for Creative Nonfiction in the Utah Original Writing Competition 2017.
- Victoria Lomasko, winner of the 2017 Pushkin House Prize for Best Book in Translation.
- Dan Branch, won the 2016 Jason Winger Award for Creative Nonfiction.
- Rachel Laverdiere, shortlisted for the Geist 2015 Short Long-Distance Writing Contest.
- Emily Viall, honorable mention in Stirling Publishing for a piece of flash fiction.
- Mark Luebbers and Benjamin Goluboff, included in They Said: A Multigenre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing from Black Lawrence Press.
- Carl Boon, Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee.
- Valerie D. West, winner of the Erotica Short Story Contest (2018) awarded by Two Sisters Writing & Publishing.
- Rebecca Kirschbaum, recipient of a Write Well Award.
- Julián Esteban Torres López, winner of the 2018 Best New Socialism Book Award from BookAuthority.
- Rebecca Ruth Gould: winner, University of Southern California Book Prize in Literary and Cultural Studies; winner, Best Book by a Woman from the Association for Women in Slavic Studies; honorable mention, Joseph Rothschild Prize in Nationalism and Ethnic Studies from the Association for the Study of Nationalities; honorable mention, Davis Center Book Prize from Harvard University’s Davis Center; shortlisted, Central Eurasian Studies Society Book Award (History and Humanities).
Please join us in thanking our contributors by reading their work and sharing it with your communities.
We also have no doubt that our emerging contributors are on their way to greatness!
Want to be a part of this club? Your first step is to submit your best work for publication consideration. It is free to submit.
We are also running the following two literary contests:
The winner of each contest will receive a USD $250 cash prize, as well as publication in The Nasiona. There is a USD $6.50 entry fee per contest.
We are looking for original, unpublished work that aligns with our mission and what we are about.
The submission period for the contests is September 24th through 11:59 p.m. on November 30th, 2018.
The winner and the finalists will be notified by no later than 31 January 2019.
The Nasiona retains standard first publication rights. All rights immediately revert to the writer upon publication.
We only accept contest entries through Submittable.
Please send us your best work! We look forward to reading it.
A thunderous applause for and thank you to everyone who made our first two issues possible: staff, contributors, and readers. We would not be here without you. Thank you for helping us make The Nasiona a budding authority in creative nonfiction.
–The Nasiona Team
Featured image: Andrea Sacchi, “Marcantonio (1614-1691) Crowned by Apollo,” oil on canvas, 1641, Purchase, Enid A Haupt Gift and Gwynne Andrews Fund, 1981, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.